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About Us

I'm Hayley, and the man in that photo with me is my husband Dan. We have been traveling, and working to travel basically since we discovered it was an option. We haven't always had remote jobs, in-fact Dan has never been fully remote with the exception of during the pandemic, but we have always had the desire to travel, and live the nomad life when we are able.


We were on a trip to Costa Rica in January 2022 for my 30th birthday, we were both working remotely for one week with a second week of actual vacation. While working remotely in hostels and random hotels it hit me, why can't I search a database of hotels based on their workability? A database that describes their office space, their wifi capabilities, the ambient noise and abundance of outlets. These were the things that I, as a remote worker, wanted to know.


Remote work isn't just a fad anymore, and many employees will only accept jobs that are fully remote, so I decided to create this site to help workers around the world find comfortable, secure, and affordable places to work while they travel.  


Our users can view listings and reviews of properties that have been submitted by our community, or personally visited by us. We hope our site can help you fulfill your dreams of life on the road. If you have any questions or have a property you'd like us to review, feel free to reach out!

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